
1from ._jijmodeling import *  # type: ignore
class ModelingError(builtins.Exception):

Error while creating a model.

class InterpreterError(builtins.RuntimeError):

Error while interpreting the model.

class ProtobufSerializationError(builtins.Exception):

Failed to encode the object to a buffer.

class ProtobufDeserializationError(builtins.Exception):

Failed to decode the buffer to an instance.

class DataType:
class NumberLit:

A class for creating a number literal

The NumberLit class is used to create a number literal. Its instance is automatically generated by the return value of arithmetic or mathematical functions taking a number literal and an object defined by jijmodeling as arguments.



  • value (int | float): A numeric value.


Create a number literal with a integer value 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> v = jm.NumberLit(123)
>>> assert v.value == 123
>>> assert v.dtype == jm.DataType.INTEGER

Create a number literal with a float value 1.23.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> v = jm.NumberLit(1.23)
>>> assert v.value == 1.23
>>> assert v.dtype == jm.DataType.FLOAT
class Placeholder:

A class for creating a placeholder

The Placeholder class is used to create a placeholder. It is a symbol to be replaced by a numerical value when you solve an optimization problem.

The index operator ([]) of a placeholder with ndim >= 1 returns a Subscript object.


  • name (str): A name of the placeholder.
  • ndim (int): The number of dimensions of the placeholder.
  • shape (list of Optional[Expression], optional): The (partial) shape of the placeholder if given.
  • dtype (DataType, optional): The data type (DataType.INT or DataType.FLOAT) of the placeholder.
  • jagged (boolean, defaut: False): True if the placeholder will be treated as a jagged array in random data generation. Ignored for scalars.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the placeholder.


  • name (str): A name of the placeholder.
  • ndim (Optional[int]): The number of dimensions of the placeholder. Defaults to 0. The ndim must be set to a non-negative value and must concide with the length of shape if both specified. If None is given, you must specify shape explicitly and the length of shape will be used.
  • shape (list[Optional[Expression]], optional): The (partial) shape of the placeholder. Used for random data generation.
  • dtype (DataType, optional): The data type (DataType.INT or DataType.FLOAT) of the placeholder. Used for random data generation.
  • jagged (boolean, defaut: False): True if the placeholder will be treated as a jagged array in random data generation. Ignored for scalars.
  • latex (str, optional): A LaTeX-name of the placeholder to be represented in Jupyter notebook. It is set to name by default.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the placeholder.


  • TypeError: Raises if set a float value to ndim.
  • OverflowError: Raises if set a negative value to ndim.


Create a scalar (or ndim is 0) placeholder whose name is "a".

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> a = jm.Placeholder("a")

Create a 2-dimensional placeholder whose name is "m".

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> m = jm.Placeholder("m", ndim=2)

Create a 1-dimensional placeholder with the index of 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> a = jm.Placeholder("a", ndim=2)
>>> a[123]
Placeholder(name='a', ndim=2)[NumberLit(value=123)]
def len_at(self, /, axis, *, latex=None, description=None):
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class Range:

A class representing a half-open interval.

The Range class is used to represent a half-open interval [start, end). This class does not have a constructor because it should be created by the Element class.


  • start: The lower bound of the range (inclusive).
  • end: The upper bound of the range (exclusive).


This class does not contain any decision variable.

class Element:

A class for creating an element

The Element class is used to create an element. It is used in the following cases:

  • an index of summation $\displaystyle \sum$ (SumOp)
  • an index of product $\displaystyle \prod$ (ProdOp)
  • a bound variable of the universal quantifier $\forall$ (Forall)

Elements specify a set to which they belong. The set can be:

  1. A half-open range, where the lower bound is included and the upper bound is excluded.
  2. A Placeholder, Element, or Subscript object with ndim >= 1.

Ranges are generally specified with tuples as (start, end). For convenience, passing a single number or scalar object as the argument is interpreted as the end of a range starting from zero.

The index operator ([]) of an element with ndim >= 1 returns a Subscript object.


  • name (str): A name of the element.
  • ndim (int): The number of dimensions of the element. The value is one less than the value of belong_to.ndim.
  • description (str): A description of the element.
  • belong_to: A set the element belongs to.


  • name (str): A name of the element.
  • belong_to: A set the element belongs to.
  • latex (str, optional): A LaTeX-name of the element to be represented in Jupyter notebook.
    • It is set to name by default.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the element.


Note that belong_to is a positional argument, not a keyword argument, and so does not need to be written out. This is done in some of these examples for clarity.

Create an element that belongs to a half-open range.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=(0,10))

If you pass a scalar as the belong_to argument, the set that the element belongs to is a range starting at 0 going up to that value.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> i = jm.Element("i", 10)
>>> assert jm.is_same(i, jm.Element("i", belong_to=(0,10)))

The applies not just to numbers, but certain scalars, like Placeholder (with ndim == 0).

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> n = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", n)
>>> assert jm.is_same(i, jm.Element("i", belong_to=(0,n)))

Create an element that belongs to a 1-dimensional placeholder.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> E = jm.Placeholder("E", ndim=1)
>>> e = jm.Element("e", E)

Create a 1-dimensional element with the index of 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> a = jm.Placeholder("a", ndim=2)
>>> e = jm.Element("e", a)
>>> e[123]
Element(name='e', belong_to=Placeholder(name='a', ndim=2))[NumberLit(value=123)]
def len_at(self, /, axis, *, latex=None, description=None):
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class Subscript:

A class for representing a subscripted variable

The Subscript class is used to represent a variable with subscriptions.


  • variable: A variable that has subscripts.
  • subscripts (list): A list of subscripts.
  • ndim (int): The number of dimensions of the subscripted variable.


The Subscript class does not have a constructor.

def len_at(self, /, axis, *, latex=None, description=None):
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class ArrayLength:

A class for referring to the length of an array at a given axis.

The ArrayLength class is to refer to the number of elements of an axis in an array.

This class is not intended to be constructed directly. Instead, we recommend using the len_at method of Placeholder, Element or Subscript.


  • array: A variable with ndim >= 1.
  • axis: An axis index. A $n$-dimensional variable has $n$ axes. Axis 0 is the array's outermost axis and $n-1$ is the innermost.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the ArrayLength instance.


ModelingError: Raises if axis >= array.ndim.


Create a length of axis 0 in a 2-dimensional placeholder.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> a = jm.Placeholder("a", ndim=2)
>>> N = a.len_at(0, latex="N")
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class DummyIndexedVar:

A class for representing a subscripted variable with dummy indices

The DummyIndexedVar class is an intermediate representation to support syntactic sugar of sum/prod with slices.


The DummyIndexedVar class does not have a constructor.

def sum(self, /):

Take a sum of the decision variable over the elements for which the slice is given and return a SumOp object.


SumOp: A SumOp object taken a sum of the decision variable over the elements for which the slice is given.


An automatically created dummy index

  • has a name of the form __dummy_{decision_var.name}_{axis} where axis is the axis of the slice.
  • belongs to a range whose start defaults to 0 and end defaults to the length of the axis.
  • has description of the form dummy index at {axis} for {decision_var.name}.
  • has latex string of the form \\ast_{axis}.


Create a SumOp object taken a sum of the 2-dim binary variable over the 0-th elements for which the slice is given.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> n = jm.Placeholder("n")
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(n, n))
>>> i = jm.Element("__dummy_x_0", belong_to=n)
>>> j = jm.Element("j", belong_to=n)
>>> assert jm.is_same(x[:, j].sum(), jm.sum(i, x[i, j]))
def prod(self, /):

Take a prod of the decision variable over the elements for which the slice is given and return a ProdOp object.


ProdOp: A ProdOp object taken a prod of the decision variable over the elements for which the slice is given.


An automatically created dummy index

  • has a name of the form __dummy_{decision_var.name}_{axis} where axis is the axis of the slice.
  • belongs to a range whose start defaults to 0 and end defaults to the length of the axis.
  • has description of the form dummy index at {axis} for {decision_var.name}.
  • has latex string of the form \\ast_{axis}.


Create a ProdOp object taken a prod of the 2-dim binary variable over the 0-th elements for which the slice is given.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> n = jm.Placeholder("n")
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(n, n))
>>> i = jm.Element("__dummy_x_0", belong_to=n)
>>> j = jm.Element("j", belong_to=n)
>>> assert jm.is_same(x[:, j].prod(), jm.prod(i, x[i, j]))
class BinaryVar:

A class for creating a binary variable

The BinaryVar class is used to create a binary variable.

The index operator ([]) of a binary variable with ndim >= 1 returns a Subscript object.


  • name (str): A name of the binary variable.
  • shape (tuple): A tuple with the size of each dimension of the binary variable. Empty if the variable is not multi-dimensional.
  • description (str): A description of the binary variable.


  • name (str): A name of the binary variable.
  • shape (list | tuple): A sequence with the size of each dimension of the binary variable. Defaults to an empty tuple (a scalar value).
    • Each item in shape must be a valid expression evaluating to a non-negative scalar.
  • latex (str, optional): A LaTeX-name of the binary variable to be represented in Jupyter notebook.
    • It is set to name by default.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the binary variable.


Create a scalar binary variable whose name is "z".

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> z = jm.BinaryVar("z")

Create a 2-dimensional binary variable whose name is "x" and has a 2x2 shape.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=[2, 2])

Create a 1-dimensional binary variable with the index of 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=[124])
>>> x[123]
BinaryVar(name='x', shape=[NumberLit(value=124)])[NumberLit(value=123)]
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class IntegerVar:

A class for creating an integer variable

The IntegerVar class is used to create an integer variable. The lower and upper bounds of the variable can be specified by:

  • an integer value
  • a float value
  • a scalar expression that does not contains any decision variable
  • a Placeholder object whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.
  • a subscripted variable whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.

The index operator ([]) of a variable with ndim >= 1 returns a Subscript object.


  • name (str): A name of the integer variable.
  • shape (tuple): A tuple with the size of each dimension of the integer variable. Empty if the variable is not multi-dimensional.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • description (str): A description of the integer variable.


  • name (`str): A name of the integer variable.
  • shape (list | tuple): A sequence with the size of each dimension of the integer variable. Defaults to an empty tuple (a scalar value).
    • Each item in shape must be a valid expression evaluating to a non-negative scalar.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • latex (str, optional): A LaTeX-name of the integer variable to be represented in Jupyter notebook.
    • It is set to name by default.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the integer variable.


ModelingError: Raises if a bound is a Placeholder or Subscript object whose ndim is neither 0 nor the same value as ndim of the integer variable.


Create a scalar integer variable whose name is "z" and domain is [-1, 1].

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> z = jm.IntegerVar("z", lower_bound=-1, upper_bound=1)

Create a 2-dimensional integer variable...

  • whose name is "x".
  • whose domain is [0, 2].
  • where each dimension has length 2 (making this a 2x2 matrix).
>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.IntegerVar("x", shape=[2, 2], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)

Create a 1-dimensional integer variable with the index of 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.IntegerVar("x", shape=[124], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)
>>> x[123]
IntegerVar(name='x', shape=[NumberLit(value=124)], lower_bound=NumberLit(value=0), upper_bound=NumberLit(value=2))[NumberLit(value=123)]
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class ContinuousVar:

A class for creating a continuous variable

The ContinuousVar class is used to create a continuous variable. The lower and upper bounds of the variable can be specified by:

  • an integer value
  • a float value
  • a scalar expression that does not contains any decision variable
  • a Placeholder object whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.
  • a subscripted variable whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.

The index operator ([]) of a variable with ndim >= 1 returns a Subscript object.


  • name (str): A name of the continuous variable.
  • shape (tuple): A tuple with the size of each dimension of the integer variable. Empty if the variable is not multi-dimensional.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • description (str): A description of the continuous variable.


  • name (str): A name of the continuous variable.
  • shape (list | tuple): A sequence with the size of each dimension of the continuous variable. Defaults to an empty tuple (a scalar value).
    • Each item in shape must be a valid expression evaluating to a non-negative scalar.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • latex (str, optional): A LaTeX-name of the continuous variable to be represented in Jupyter notebook.
    • It is set to name by default.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the continuous variable.


ModelingError: Raises if a bound is a Placeholder or Subscript object whose ndim is neither 0 nor the same value as ndim of the continuous variable.


Create a scalar continuous variable whose name is "z" and domain is [-1, 1].

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> z = jm.ContinuousVar("z", lower_bound=-1, upper_bound=1)

Create a 2-dimensional continuous variable...

  • whose name is "x".
  • whose domain is [0, 2].
  • where each dimension has length 2 (making this a 2x2 matrix).
>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.ContinuousVar("x", shape=[2, 2], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)

Create a 1-dimensional continuous variable with the index of 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.ContinuousVar("x", shape=[124], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)
>>> x[123]
ContinuousVar(name='x', shape=[NumberLit(value=124)], lower_bound=NumberLit(value=0), upper_bound=NumberLit(value=2))[NumberLit(value=123)]
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class SemiIntegerVar:

A class for creating a semi-integer variable

The SemiIntegerVar class is used to create a semi-integer variable. The lower and upper bounds of the variable can be specified by:

  • an integer value
  • a float value
  • a scalar expression that does not contains any decision variable
  • a Placeholder object whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.
  • a subscripted variable whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.

The index operator ([]) of a semi-integer variable with ndim >= 1 returns a Subscript object.


  • name (str): A name of the semi-integer variable.
  • shape (tuple): A tuple with the size of each dimension of the integer variable. Empty if the variable is not multi-dimensional.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • description (str): A description of the semi-integer variable.


  • name (str): A name of the semi-integer variable.
  • shape (list | tuple): A sequence with the size of each dimension of the integer variable. Defaults to an empty tuple (a scalar value).
    • Each item in shape must be a valid expression evaluating to a non-negative scalar.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • latex (str, optional): A LaTeX-name of the semi-integer variable to be represented in Jupyter notebook.
    • It is set to name by default.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the semi-integer variable.


ModelingError: Raises if a bound is a Placeholder or Subscript object whose ndim is neither 0 nor the same value as ndim of the semi-integer variable.


Create a scalar semi-integer variable whose name is "z" and domain is [-1, 1].

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> z = jm.SemiIntegerVar("z", lower_bound=-1, upper_bound=1)

Create a 2-dimensional semi-integer variable...

  • whose name is "x".
  • whose domain is [0, 2].
  • where each dimension has length 2 (making this a 2x2 matrix).
>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.SemiIntegerVar("x", shape=[2, 2], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)

Create a 1-dimensional semi-integer variable with the index of 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.SemiIntegerVar("x", shape=[124], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)
>>> x[123]
SemiIntegerVar(name='x', shape=[NumberLit(value=124)], lower_bound=NumberLit(value=0), upper_bound=NumberLit(value=2))[NumberLit(value=123)]
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class SemiContinuousVar:

A class for creating a semi-continuous variable

The SemiContinuousVar class is used to create a semi-continuous variable. Either the lower bound or the upper bound is set by the following object:

  • an integer value
  • a float value
  • a scalar expression that does not contains any decision variable
  • a Placeholder object whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.
  • a subscripted variable whose dimensionality is equal to that of this variable.

The index operator ([]) of a semi-continuous variable with ndim >= 1 returns a Subscript object.


  • name (str): A name of the semi-continuous variable.
  • shape (tuple): A tuple with the size of each dimension of the semi-continuous variable. Empty if the variable is not multi-dimensional.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • description (str): A description of the semi-continuous variable.


  • name (str): A name of the semi-continuous variable.
  • shape (list | tuple): A sequence with the size of each dimension of the binary variable. Defaults to an empty tuple (a scalar value).
    • Each item in shape must be a valid expression evaluating to a non-negative scalar.
  • lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable.
  • upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable.
  • latex (str, optional): A LaTeX-name of the semi-continuous variable to be represented in Jupyter notebook.
    • It is set to name by default.
  • description (str, optional): A description of the semi-continuous variable.


ModelingError: Raises if a bound is a Placeholder or Subscript object whose ndim is neither 0 nor the same value as ndim of the semi-continuous variable.


Create a scalar semi-continuous variable whose name is "z" and domain is [-1, 1].

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> z = jm.SemiContinuousVar("z", lower_bound=-1, upper_bound=1)

Create a 2-dimensional semi-continuous variable...

  • whose name is "x".
  • whose domain is [0, 2].
  • where each dimension has length 2 (making this a 2x2 matrix).
>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.SemiContinuousVar("x", shape=[2, 2], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)

Create a 1-dimensional semi-continuous variable with the index of 123.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> x = jm.SemiContinuousVar("x", shape=[124], lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2)
>>> x[123]
SemiContinuousVar(name='x', shape=[NumberLit(value=124)], lower_bound=NumberLit(value=0), upper_bound=NumberLit(value=2))[NumberLit(value=123)]
def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class AbsOp:

A class for representing the absolute value

The AbsOp class is used to represent the absolute value. The number of dimensions of the operand is zero.



The AbsOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class CeilOp:

A class for representing the ceil operator

The CeilOp class is used to represent the ceil operator. The number of dimensions of the operand is zero.



The CeilOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class FloorOp:

A class for representing the floor operator

The FloorOp class is used to represent the floor operator. The number of dimensions of the operand is zero.



The FloorOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class Log2Op:

A class for representing the base 2 logarithm

The Log2Op class is used to represent the base 2 logarithm. The number of dimensions of the operand is zero.


operand: The operand.


The Log2Op class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class Log10Op:

A class for representing the base 10 logarithm

The Log10Op class is used to represent the base 10 logarithm. The number of dimensions of the operand is zero.



The Log10Op class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class LnOp:

A class for representing the natural logarithm

The LnOp class is used to represent the natural logarithm. The number of dimensions of the operand is zero.


operand: The operand.


The LnOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class AddOp:

A class for representing addition

The AddOp class is used to represent addition (+) of an arbitrary number of operands. For example a + b + c + d would be one AddOp object. The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


terms: A sequence of operands to be added.


The AddOp class does not have a constructor. Its intended instantiation method is by calling the addition operation on other expressions.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class MulOp:

A class for representing multiplication

The MulOp class is used to represent multiplication (*) of an arbitrary number of operands. For example a * b * c * d would be one AddOp object. The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


terms: A sequence of operands to be multiplied.


The MulOp class does not have a constructor. Its intended instantiation method is by calling the multiplication operation on other expressions.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class ModOp:

A class for representing modulo

The ModOp class is used to represent modulo (or remainder) (%). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • left: The left-hand operand.
  • right: The right-hand operand.


The ModOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class MinOp:

A class for representing the minimum value.

The MinOp class is used to represent the minimum value of operands. The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • terms: A sequence of operands.


The MinOp class does not have a constructor. Its intended instantiation method is by calling the min function.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class MaxOp:

A class for representing the maximum value.

The MaxOp class is used to represent the minimum value of operands. The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • terms: A sequence of operands.


The MaxOp class does not have a constructor. Its intended instantiation method is by calling the max function.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class PowOp:

A class for representing the power operator

The ModOp class is used to represent the power operator(**). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.



The PowOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class SumOp:

A class for representing summation

The SumOp class is used to represent summation. The number of dimensions of the opreand is zero.



The SumOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class ProdOp:

A class for representing product

The ProdOp class is used to represent product. The number of dimensions of the opreand is zero.



The ProdOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class AndOp:

A class for representing logical AND

The AndOp class is used to represent logical AND (&) of an arbitrary number of operands. For example a & b & c & d would be one AndOp object. The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • terms: A sequence of operands to apply the AND operation.


The AndOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class OrOp:

A class for representing logical OR

The OrOp class is used to represent logical OR (|) of an arbitrary number of operands. For example a | b | c | d would be one OrOp object. The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • terms: A sequence of operands to apply the OR operation.


The OrOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class XorOp:

A class for representing logical XOR

The XorOp class is used to represent logical XOR (^) of an arbitrary number of operands. For example a ^ b ^ c ^ d would be one XorOp object. The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • terms-: A sequence of operands to apply the XOR operation.


The XorOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class EqualOp:

A class for representing the equal operator

The EqualOp class is used to represent the equal operator (==). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • left: The left-hand operand.
  • right: The right-hand operand.


The EqualOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class NotEqualOp:

A class for representing the not equal operator

The NotEqualOp class is used to represent the not equal operator (!=). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • left: The left-hand operand.
  • right: The right-hand operand.


The NotEqualOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class LessThanOp:

A class for representing the less than operator

The LessThanOp class is used to represent the less than operator (<). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • left: The left-hand operand.
  • right: The right-hand operand.


The LessThanOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class LessThanEqualOp:

A class for representing the less than equal operator

The LessThanEqualOp class is used to represent the less than equal operator (<=). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • left: The left-hand operand.
  • right: The right-hand operand.


The LessThanEqualOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class GreaterThanOp:

A class for representing the greater than operator

The GreaterThanOp class is used to represent the greater than operator (>). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • left: The left-hand operand.
  • right: The right-hand operand.


The GreaterThanOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class GreaterThanEqualOp:

A class for representing the greater than equal operator

The GreaterThanEqualOp class is used to represent the greater than equal operator (>=). The number of dimensions of each operand is zero.


  • left: The left-hand operand.
  • right: The right-hand operand.


The GreaterThanEqualOp class does not have a constructor.

def set_latex(self, /, latex=None):

Set the LaTeX representation of the object. If the LaTeX representation is not set, the default representation is set.


latex (str, optional): LaTeX representation of the object. Defaults to None.

class Problem:

A class for creating an optimization problem

The Problem class is used to create an optimization problem.


  • name (str): A name of the optimization problem.
  • sense: Sense of the optimization problem.
  • objective: The objective function of the optimization problem.
  • constraints (dict): A dictionary that stores constraints.
    • A key is the name of a constraint and the value is the constraint object.
  • custom_penalty_terms (dict): A dictionary that stores custom penalty terms.
    • A key is the name of a custom penalty and the value is the custom penalty object.


def used_placeholders(self, /):
def get_problem_schema(self, /):

Returns the schema of the problem.


  • schema: The dictionary containing the schema of the problem.
def generate_random_dataset(seed, default, options):

Generates a dictionary of random InstanceDataValue for a given problem. To generate ommx.v1.Instance object directly, use InstanceDataValue.generate_random_instance instead.


  • options (optional): a dictionary of range parameters for each separate placeholders. The key must be the name of the placeholder and the value must be range parameter (as described in "Range Parameters and Range Syntax" below).
  • default (optional): default range parameters for placeholders which is not specified in options.
  • seed (optional): seed for random number generation.


dict: The dictionary from the name of placeholders to the generated InstanceDataValue objects. To be fed to Interpreter.eval_problem.

Range Parameters and Range Syntax

A range parameter is a dictionary consisting of the following fields:

  • size (optional): interval of natural numbers for the size of each array dimension (default: range(1, 6))
  • value (optional): interval of real numbers for the value of each array element (default: range(-1.0, 1.0) - a uniform distribution on a closed interval $[-1.0, 1.0]$).

Example range parameter config:

{"size": range(2, 10), "value": jm.range.value.closed(100.0, 200.0)}

Intervals are expressed as a range object. Currently, the following syntax is supported for range objects:

  1. Direct value of type int or float - it corresponds to a singleton interval $[a, a] = {a}$. In random generation context, this just means a constant fixed value.
  2. Use the functions from jijmodeling.range, jijmodeling.range.size, or jijmodeling.range.value modules.
    • Use functions from jij.modeling.range.size to specify (non-negative) integer intervals, and jij.modeling.range.value for real intervals. jij.modeling.range dynamically determines the type of the range based on the input.
    • These three modules provides the following combinators (see the module documents for more details.):
      • closed(a, b): a closed interval $[a, b]$
      • open(a, b): an open interval $(a, b)$
      • closed_open(a, b): an upper half-open interval $[a, b)$
      • open_closed(a, b): a lower half-open interval $(a, b]$
      • greater_than(a): an open interval $(a, \infty)$
      • at_least(a): a closed interval $[a, \infty)$
      • less_than(a): an open interval $(-\infty, a)$
      • at_most(a): a closed interval $(-\infty, a]$
  3. Use range builtin function: this is equivalent to jijmodeling.range.value.closed_open(a, b).
    • Any python range object with step = 1 can be used as a size range; otherwise it results in runtime error.
  4. Use a tuple: raw tuple (a, b) is equivalent to jijmodeling.range.closed_open(a, b) if a and b are either int or float.

    • You can also use bound object as a tuple component; in such case, both tuple components must be one of the following:

      1. A string "Unbounded" means $-\infty$ (in the first component) or $\infty$ (the second).
      2. A dictionary {"Included": a} means the endpoint is inclusive.
      3. A dictionary {"Excluded": a} means the endpoint is exclusive.
    • Examples:
      • (1.2, 4) is equivalent to closed_open(1.2, 4),
      • (-1, {"Included": 1}) is equivalent to closed(-1, 1),
      • (-5, {"Excluded": 4}) is equivalent to closed_open(-5, 4) and built in function range(-5, 4),
      • ({"Excluded": 1}, {"Excluded": 2.5}) is equivalent to open(1, 2.5),
      • ({"Included": -1}, "Unbounded") is equivalent to at_least(-1).
      • (5, "Unbounded") is INVALID; 5 must be bound object.
  5. The range object: A dictionary of form {"start": lb, "end": ub}, where both lb and ub are the bound object described as above.


>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> import builtins
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N", dtype=jm.DataType.INTEGER)
>>> c = jm.Placeholder("c", dtype=jm.DataType.FLOAT, shape=(N,))
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N,))
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)

>>> problem = jm.Problem("problem")
>>> problem += jm.sum(i, c[i] * x[i])

>>> inputs = problem.generate_random_dataset(
...     options={
...         'N': {"value": builtins.range(10, 20)},
...         'c': {"value": jm.range.value.closed(-1.0, 1.0)}
...          # You can also specify "size" for the range of jagged array dimension size.
...     },
...     seed=123 # omittable
... )
>>> assert set(inputs.keys()) == {"N", "c"}
>>> inputs
{'N': 11.0, 'c': array([ 0.93914459, -0.06511935, -0.7460324 , -0.32443706,  0.99981451,
       -0.24407535,  0.31329469,  0.52206453, -0.1291936 ,  0.30443087,
def generate_random_instance(seed, default, options, hints):

Generates random ommx.v1.Instance for a given problem. See also InstanceDataValue.generate_random_dataset.


  • options (optional): a dictionary of range parameters for each separate placeholders. The key must be the name of the placeholder and the value must be range parameter (as described in "Range Parameters and Range Syntax" section in ~jijmodeling.Problem.generate_random_dataset()).
  • default (optional): default range parameters for placeholders which is not specified in options.
  • seed (optional): seed for random number generation.
  • hints (optional): the hints to be detected during compilation see Interpreter.eval_problem for more details.


instance: The OMMX v1 instance object.


>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> import builtins
>>> import ommx.v1
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N", dtype=jm.DataType.INTEGER)
>>> c = jm.Placeholder("c", dtype=jm.DataType.FLOAT, shape=(N,))
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N,))
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)

>>> problem = jm.Problem("problem")
>>> problem += jm.sum(i, c[i] * x[i])

>>> instance = problem.generate_random_instance(
...     options={
...         'N': {"value": builtins.range(10, 20)},
...         'c': {"value": jm.range.value.closed(-1.0, 1.0)}
...     },
...     seed=123
... )
>>> assert type(instance) is ommx.v1.Instance
class ProblemSense:

An optimization sense

class Constraint:

A class for creating a constraint

The Constraint class is used to create a constraint.


  • name (str): A name of the constraint.
  • sense: equal sign (=) or inequality sign (>= or <=) included in the expression.
  • expression: The (in)equality equation of the constraint.
  • forall (list): A list that stores forall indices.


  • name (str): A name of the constraint.
  • expression: The (in)equality equation of the constraint.
  • forall: A list that stores forall indices. Defaults to None.


ModelingError: Raises if expression does not contain any decision variable.


Create an equality constraint that the sum of $N$ binary variables is equal to one.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N,))
>>> repr(jm.Constraint("constraint", jm.sum(i, x[i]) == 1))
'Constraint(name="constraint", expression=sum(i in [0..N), x[i]) == 1)'

Create an inequality constraint with forall.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> j = jm.Element("j", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N, N))
>>> repr(jm.Constraint("constraint", jm.sum(i, x[i,j]) == 1, forall=j))
'Constraint(name="constraint", expression=sum(i in [0..N), x[i, j]) == 1, forall=[j])'

Create an inequality constraint with conditional forall.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> j = jm.Element("j", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N, N))
>>> repr(jm.Constraint("constraint", x[i,j] <= 2, forall=[i, (j, j != i)]))
'Constraint(name="constraint", expression=x[i, j] <= 2, forall=[i, (j, j != i)])'
def is_equality(self, /):

Returns true if the constraint is an equality constraint.


bool: True if the constraint is an equality constraint. Otherwise, False.


>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N,))
>>> constraint = jm.Constraint("constraint", jm.sum(i, x[i]) == 1)
>>> assert constraint.is_equality()
def is_inequality(self, /):

Returns true if the constraint is an inequality constraint.


bool: True if the constraint is an inequality constraint. Otherwise, False.


>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N,))
>>> constraint = jm.Constraint("constraint", jm.sum(i, x[i]) <= 1)
>>> assert constraint.is_inequality()
class ConstraintSense:

Equality of a constraint

class CustomPenaltyTerm:

A class for creating a custom penalty term

The CustomPenaltyTerm class is used to create a custom penalty term.


  • name (str): A name of the custom penalty term.
  • expression: The expression of the custom penalty term.
  • forall (list): A list that stores forall indices.


  • name (str): A name of the custom penalty term.
  • expression: The expression of the custom penalty term.
  • forall: A list that stores forall indices. Defaults to None.


ModelingError: Raises if expression does not contain any decision variable.


Create a custom penalty term.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N,))
>>> repr(jm.CustomPenaltyTerm("custom penalty term", (jm.sum(i, x[i]) - 1)**2))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
'CustomPenaltyTerm(name="custom penalty term", expression=((sum(i in [0..N), x[i]) - 1) ** 2))'

Create a custom penalty term with forall.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> j = jm.Element("j", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N, N))
>>> repr(jm.CustomPenaltyTerm("custom penalty term", (jm.sum(i, x[i,j]) - 1)**2, forall=j))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
'CustomPenaltyTerm(name="custom penalty term", expression=((sum(i in [0..N), x[i, j]) - 1) ** 2), forall=[j])'

Create a custom penalty term with conditional forall.

>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> N = jm.Placeholder("N")
>>> i = jm.Element("i", belong_to=N)
>>> j = jm.Element("j", belong_to=N)
>>> x = jm.BinaryVar("x", shape=(N, N))
>>> repr(jm.CustomPenaltyTerm("custom penalty term", (x[i,j] - 2)**2, forall=[i, (j, j != i)]))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
'CustomPenaltyTerm(name="custom penalty term", expression=((x[i, j] - 2) ** 2), forall=[i, (j, j != i)])'
class Evaluation:

A class for evaluation.

The Evaluation class is to represent the result of evaluating a model.

Attributes: energy (numpy.ndarray): The value of energy of each sample. objective (numpy.ndarray): The value of an objective function of each sample. constraint_violations (dict[str, numpy.ndarray]): The constraint violation of each sample. constraint_forall (dict[str, numpy.ndarray]): The constraint forall of each sample. constraint_values (numpy.ndarray): The constraint value of each sample. penalty (dict[str, numpy.ndarray]): The penalty of each sample.

def to_dict(self, /):

Convert into a dict.

Returns: dict: A dict whose keys are name of the Evaluation's fields.

def from_dict(dict):

Create a Evaluation object from the given dict.

If a key is not the name of the Evaluation fields, the value value is ignored.

Args: dict: A dict whose keys are name of the Evaluation fields.

def to_json(self, /):

Serialize the Evaluation object into a JSON string.

Returns: str: A JSON string.

Note: A numpy array is converted into a list.

def from_json(json):

Create a Evaluation object from the JSON string.

Args: json (str): A JSON string.

Returns: Evaluation: An Evaluation object.

def to_pandas(self, /):

Convert into a pandas DataFrame.

Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame.


Return the values for the each constraint.

The return value is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary has the keys of the constraint names and the dictionary values. The dictionary values have the keys of the forall indices as tuple and the values for the forall indices.

Returns: A list of dictionaries.

class Record:

A class for representing a record.

There are two types of solutions that can be given; dense solutions and sparse solutions. A dense solution is a dict whose key is a variable name and the value is a list of numpy.ndarray. A sparse solution is a dict whose key is a variable name and the value is a list of tuples with three elements, where the first element is a list of indices, the second element is a list of non-zero values, and the third element is a shape of the array. The length of the list of solutions must be the same as the length of the list of num_occurrences. Each index of the list of solutions corresponds to the same index of the list of non-zero values.

As an example, consider the following solutions:

    "x": [
        np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, 3.0]]),
        np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]])
    "y": [
        np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
        np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

This is a dense solution. The corresponding sparse solution is as follows:

    "x": [
        (([0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2]), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], (2, 3)),
        (([0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 2]), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], (2, 3))
    "y": [
        (([2],), [1.0], (3,)),
        (([1],), [1.0], (3,))


  • solution (Union[Dict[str, List[numpy.ndarray]], Dict[str, List[Tuple[List[int], List[float], Tuple[int, ...]]]]]): A solution.
  • num_occurrences (List[int]): A list of the number of occurrences in which the solution is observed.
def to_dict(self, /):

Convert into a dict.


dict: A dict whose keys are "solution" and "num_occurrences".

def from_dict(dict):

Create a Record object from the given dict.

If a key is not one of "solution" or "num_occurrences", the value is ignored.


  • dict: A dict of str to a list of dense solutions or sparse solutions.


A Record object.

def to_json(self, /):

Serialize the Record object into a JSON string.


str: A JSON string.


A numpy array is serialized into a list.

def from_json(json):

Create a Record object from the JSON string.


json (str): A JSON string.


Record: A Record object.

def is_dense(self, /):

Return true if the solution is dense.


bool: True if the solution is dense.

def is_sparse(self, /):

Return true if the solution is sparse.


bool: True if the solution is sparse.

def to_dense(self, /):

Return a Record object whose solution is dense.

If the solution is already dense, the solution is not converted. Otherwise, the solution is converted into a dense solution.


Record: A Record object whose solution is dense.

def to_sparse(self, /):

Return a Record object whose solution is sparse.

If the solution is already sparse, the solution is not converted. Otherwise, the solution is converted into a sparse solution.


Record: A Record object whose solution is sparse.

def to_pandas(self, /):

Convert into a pandas DataFrame.


pandas.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame.

class SolvingTime:

A class for storing time to solve a problem.


  • preprocess (float, optional): Time to preprocess the problem. Defaults to None.
  • solve (float, optional): Time to solve the problem. Defaults to None.
  • postprocess (float, optional): Time to postprocess the problem. Defaults to None.
def to_dict(self, /):

Convert into a dict.


dict: A dict with keys "preprocess", "solve", and "postprocess".

def from_dict(dict):

Create a SolvingTime object from the given dict.

If a key is not one of "preprocess", "solve", or "postprocess", the value is ignored.


dict (dict): A dict.


A SolvingTime object.

def to_json(self, /):

Serialize the SolvingTime object into a JSON string.


str: A JSON string.


A numpy array is serialized into a list.

def from_json(json):

Create a SolvingTime object from the JSON string.


json (str): A JSON string.


SolvingTime: A SolvingTime object.

class SystemTime:

A class for storing time of jijzept running.


def to_dict(self, /):

Convert into a dict.


dict: A dict whose keys are name of the SystemTime's fields.

def from_dict(dict):

Create a SystemTime object from the given dict.

If a key is not the name of the SystemTime fields, the value value is ignored.


dict (dict): A dict.


A SystemTime object.

def to_json(self, /):

Serialize the SystemTime object into a JSON string.


str: A JSON string.


A numpy array is serialized into a list.

def from_json(json):

Create a SystemTime object from the JSON string.


json (str): A JSON string.


SystemTime: A SystemTime object.

class MeasuringTime:

A class for storing time to be measured.


def to_dict(self, /):

Convert into a dict.


dict: A dict whose keys are name of the MeasuringTime's fields.

def from_dict(dict):

Create a MeasuringTime object from the given dict.

If a key is not the name of the MeasuringTime fields, the value value is ignored.


dict (dict): A dict.


A MeasuringTime object.

def to_json(self, /):

Serialize the MeasuringTime object into a JSON string.


str: A JSON string.


A numpy array is serialized into a list.

def from_json(json):

Create a MeasuringTime object from the JSON string.


json (str): A JSON string.


MeasuringTime: A MeasuringTime object.

class SampleSet:

A class for storing time of jijzept running.


  • post_problem_and_instance_data (float, optional): Time to upload problem and instance_data to blob. Defaults to None.
  • request_queue (float, optional): Time to send request to queue. Defaults to None.
  • fetch_problem_and_instance_data (float, optional): Time to fetch problem and instance_data from blob. Defaults to None.
  • fetch_result (float, optional): Time to fetch result. Defaults to None.
  • deserialize_solution (float, optional): Time to deserialize json object. Defaults to None.
def to_dict(self, /):

Convert into a dict.


dict: A dict whose keys are name of the SampleSet's fields.

def from_dict(dict):

Create a SampleSet object from the given dict.

If a key is not the name of the SampleSet fields, the value value is ignored.


dict (dict): A dict.


A SampleSet object.

def to_json(self, /):

Serialize the SampleSet object into a JSON string.


str: A JSON string.


A numpy array is converted into a list.

def from_json(json):

Create a SampleSet object from the JSON string.


json (str): A JSON string.


SampleSet: A SampleSet object.

def to_pandas(self, /):

Convert into a pandas DataFrame.


pandas.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame.

def to_dense(self, /):

Return a SampleSet whose record is converted into a dense solution format. If the record is already a dense solution format, return itself.


SampleSet: A SampleSet object.

def feasible(self, /, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):

Return a SampleSet with only feasible solutions. If there is no feasible solution, the record and evaluation are empty.


  • rtol (float): The relative tolerance parameter. Defaults to 1e-5.
  • atol (float): The absolute tolerance parameter. Defaults to 1e-8.


SampleSet: A SampleSet object with only feasible solutions or empty.


The feasible solutions are determined by the following condition: $$ |0 - v| \leq \mathrm{atol} + \mathrm{rtol} \cdot |v| $$

def infeasible(self, /, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):

Return a SampleSet with only infeasible solutions. If there is no infeasible solution, the record and evaluation are empty.


  • rtol (float): The relative tolerance parameter. Defaults to 1e-5.
  • atol (float): The absolute tolerance parameter. Defaults to 1e-8.


SampleSet: A SampleSet object with only infeasible solutions or empty.


The feasible solutions are determined by the following condition: $$ |0 - v| > \mathrm{atol} + \mathrm{rtol} \cdot |v| $$

def lowest(self, /, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):

Return a SampleSet with feasible solutions which has the lowest objective. If there is no feasible solution, the record and evaluation are empty.


  • rtol (float): The relative tolerance parameter. Defaults to 1e-5.
  • atol (float): The absolute tolerance parameter. Defaults to 1e-8.


SampleSet: A SampleSet object with feasible solutions or empty.


The feasible solutions are determined by the following condition: $$ |0 - v| \leq \mathrm{atol} + \mathrm{rtol} \cdot |v| $$

def is_dense(self, /):

Return true if the solution is dense.


bool: True if the solution is dense.

def is_sparse(self, /):

Return true if the solution is sparse.


bool: True if the solution is sparse.

def get_backend_calculation_time(self, /):

Return report of the calculation time of the JijZept backends.


dict: A dictionary of the calculation time of the JijZept backends.

class Interpreter:

Interpreter of the JijModeling AST

This class is responsible for

  • Creating OMMX instance from the AST.
    • This means this module also has responsible to register decision variable ID for each decision variables in AST.
  • Manage instance data to be substituted into the Placeholder.


>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> import numpy as np

Create a new interpreter with scalar instance data
>>> interpreter = jm.Interpreter({"a": 1})

Insert instance data after creating the interpreter
>>> interpreter.insert_instance_data("b", 2) # scalar

Python list and numpy array are supported
>>> interpreter.insert_instance_data("c", [3, 4])
>>> interpreter.insert_instance_data("d", [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> interpreter.insert_instance_data("e", np.array([3, 4]))

JaggedArray, non-uniform multi-dimensional array is also supported
>>> interpreter.insert_instance_data("f", [[[1, 2]], [[3, 4, 5]], [[6]]])
>>> interpreter.insert_instance_data("g", jm.JaggedArray([[[1, 2]], [[3, 4, 5]], [[6]]]))

You can get the instance data by using get_instance_data method
>>> interpreter.get_instance_data("a")

Array are normalized to numpy array
>>> interpreter.get_instance_data("c")
array([3., 4.])
>>> interpreter.get_instance_data("e")
array([3., 4.])
>>> interpreter.get_instance_data("f")  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<jijmodeling.JaggedArray object at 0x...>
def insert_instance_data(self, /, key, value):
def get_instance_data(self, /, key):
def instance_data(self, /):
def get_decision_variable_by_id(self, /, id):
def get_decision_variable_by_name(self, /, name, subscript=None):
def eval_scalar(self, /, expr):
def eval_expr(self, /, expr):
def eval_constraints(self, /, constraints):
def eval_problem(self, /, problem, hints=None):

Evaluate the problem and returns ommx.v1.Instance.


  • problem: a jijmodeling.Problem object to compile.
  • hints (optional): a list of constraint hints to be detected during evaluation. When omitted or given None, the default constraint hints are used. Pass empty list to disable hint detection entirely.


instance: an OMMX v1 instance object.

class JaggedArray:

Jagged array, a multi-dimensional array where each element can be an array of different length.


>>> import jijmodeling as jm
>>> arr = jm.JaggedArray([[[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], [[6]]])

# Three dimensional
>>> assert arr.dim == 3

# __getitem__ works
>>> assert arr[0, 0, 0] == 1.0
>>> assert arr[0, 0, 1] == 2.0
>>> assert arr[0, 1, 0] == 3.0
>>> assert arr[0, 1, 1] == 4.0
>>> assert arr[0, 1, 2] == 5.0
>>> assert arr[1, 0, 0] == 6.0

# out of range
>>> arr[0, 0, 2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: Invalid index

# dimension mismatch
>>> arr[0, 0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: Invalid index

>>> assert arr.size_at([]) == 2  # [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] and [[6]]
>>> assert arr.size_at([0]) == 2  # [1, 2] and [3, 4, 5]
>>> assert arr.size_at([1]) == 1  # [[6]]
>>> assert arr.size_at([0, 0]) == 2  # [1, 2]
>>> assert arr.size_at([0, 1]) == 3  # [3, 4, 5]
>>> assert arr.size_at([1, 0]) == 1  # [6]
def get(self, /, index):
def size_at(self, /, index):